Hae mukaan Reacting to Toxic Masculinity in Youth and Volunteering Projects -seminaariin 22.-28.5. Espanjassa

Oletko törmännyt termiin “toksinen maskuliinisuus”? Haluatko oppia paremmin tunnistamaan ilmiön ja toimimaan sen kanssa vapaaehtoistyössä? Hae mukaan seminaariin, jossa aihetta työstetään yhdessä kansainvälisen porukan kanssa.

“Men who talk much and loudly in group discussions but do little of the care work? Or who make sexist jokes and generally take up more space than FLINTA persons (=Females, Lesbians, Inter-, Non-Binary, Trans- and A-Gender Persons)? This sounds familiar and you are annoyed by behaviours like this?

“Toxic masculinity” is the term coined for a harmful set of behaviors that some men still continue to uphold. There is nothing toxic about being a man, but some men act in destructive ways based on the gender roles they learned during their socialisation and think that they need to fulfil those: violence, intimidating aggressions, hyper-competitiveness, sexual objectification, and emotional detachment. Misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia are often reinforced through these behaviors. Women, non-binary people, and also other men are the targets of these behaviors. And “toxic” men even direct these behaviors towards themselves because they feel that they do not meet what is required of “a real man”.”

Kiinnostuitko? Tutustu hankkeen kuvaukseen tarkemmin. Jos kaipaat lisätietoja, voit olla yhteydessä Anniin (). Haku on auki 15.3. asti, tarkemmat tiedot ja hakulinkin löydät ylläolevasta hankkeen kuvauksesta.