Sharing camp memories on Thu 11th of June
Have you volunteered through KVT on a workcamp abroad or taken part in one of our workcamps in Finland? Would you feel like taking a moment for refreshing your memories from the camp(s) in good company? Join our online camp memory sharing evening on Thursday June 11th!
The workcamp season is coming up but for many of us the ongoing situation with COVID-19 is setting limitations for being able to gather together physically, for workcamps or other purposes. In order to keep up the spirit of our volunteer community despite the lack of traditional, face-to-face activities, we are organizing this virtual evening for our volunteers to get together for recollecting the funny moments, challenges, cultural encounters or whatever they wish to share from their workcamps.
It doesn’t matter whether your camp took place last year or 10 years ago, you’re equally welcome to join to share your experiences and to grasp a piece of camp atmosphere from your own couch! Besides nostalgizing together, this event might also be an opportunity to share your thoughts about alternative ways of volunteering in this exceptional situation.
The event will be held on Zoom on Thursday 11 June at 6 pm (UTC+3).
Please sign up beforehand via this registration form:–hqjopG92mWaAAADgTrJDfUuQnGLey
You will receive the Zoom link for the event in your email after registration.
Also, it will be even more fun if you have a picture or other memory object from your workcamp that you would like to share with others on the call. Hope to see many of you on June 11th!